Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Snow in Friesland

Like in most places in the world; Holland also got its share. We haven’t seen só much snow for such a long period.

We live in a very flat area and the view of miles and miles of snow is ever so special.
Snow makes horizons and boundaries disappear. It connects fields, it covers roads.

Although the forecast for last night and today was between +4 (the North) and +11 C (the South) and no snow for our part of Holland, we woke up in again a slightly white world. More like ‘icing on the cake snow’ (the cake still visible) but it looks nice.

It is Tjep’s first real winter in Friesland and again all expectations (except mine), he enjoys it tremendously.
The most beautiful day this winter was in January. The day started very misty which caused special effects.
We charged the batteries of our camera’s, dressed properly and went out for a day in the snow, exploring again but with a different view, our remote Friesland. Enjoy the pictures below.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

One chicken less

Yesterday we updated the “About Us” area at the right side of this blog and mentioned we have 8 chickens.

Well, old chickens tend to die and this morning we found one dead in the pen.
We feel a bit sorry as all hens are so funny and get on so well with the dogs.
But we seem to be the only ones who are sorry because we do not see any grief with the other chickens.
The cockerel is as masculine as ever (prefers to talk to impress his ladies – and probably the ones in the neighbours garden - with his sound, shiny black feathers and impressive look) on top of the table near the French doors.
From the kitchen we can see him standing there.

He loves to play the hero but he is still a bit afraid of the dogs (who do not hurt him) and still thinks we are stronger and bigger. Power also seems to be in the eye of the beholder!

One chicken less is less eggs but that is not why we keep them. Chickens are great fun, especially when they behave like members of the family!

Monday, 22 February 2010


Welcome dear readers to our very first Blog about our life in and around Friesland.
Our life is far from boring, we have much to share and therefore decided to start a blog that has nothing to do with work!

Ike already runs a Blog about her Life with Skype so no need to mention what happens there. If you really want to read please visit "Skype Lifestyle"

Anotehr Blog is about the "Plekker Descenants" and although Genealogy is a hobby, we keep this part of Ike's familie seperated!

Ike is teaching Tjep how to blog so stay tuned for what will be published in the near future!